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Artist Q & A with I’m In My Feelings

As Clutter Gallery prepares to host I’m In My Feelings for his solo show, “The Feelings Mutual”, we took this opportunity to ask him a few questions to get to know what makes him feel all the feels!

Who is I’m In My Feelings?

Hey! I’m Tony, living in Philly. Since childhood, I’ve thrived on creativity, doodling DBZ characters, and molding Play-Doh creations. Art has been my go-to escape, allowing me to craft unimaginable worlds.

Currently, for my day job, I work at Squishmallows as a creative designer. Outside of work and personal projects, I cherish moments spent with my family. They inspire me every day. 

Who/What are your biggest influences?

My sources of inspiration stem from various avenues, such as music, friends, and especially my wife, whose shared creative energy constantly motivates me to strive for improvement. Additionally, my parents’ strong work ethic has always been a driving force behind my endeavors.

Tell us something special about the upcoming exhibition with us.

This exhibition represents a significant milestone for me, as it’s my very first solo show. It’s a mix of my deepest emotions and aspirations as an artist. Over the past several months, I’ve poured my heart and soul into creating over 15 original pieces, each capturing a unique mood or expression. I am thrilled to share this collection, titled “The Feelings Mutual,” and I hope it deeply resonates with you.

What are a few of your favorite tools/materials?

Currently, my go-to tool is my computer, granting me the ability to design and create without limitations. Lately, I’ve been honing my 3D skills, with ZBrush being my favorite software to use as I prepare for this exhibit.

How did you find out about designer toys?

During my college years, I discovered designer toys, particularly during the heyday of Kidrobot with their popular Munnys and Dunnys.

What advice do you have for an aspiring artist?

Trust your instincts and pursue what you’re passionate about. Art is inherently subjective, so prioritize your creative vision. Your audience comes secondary; if you take pride in your creations and share them with the world, you’ve already succeeded.

For those not familiar with your work, how would you describe your style?

My style is characterized by creativity, cuteness, and an element of fun, reflecting a self-portrait of sorts.

Come see all these amazing pieces and more during the opening of I’m In My Feelings Solo Show: “The Feelings Mutual” this Saturday, May 11th, 2024 at Clutter Gallery in Beacon, NY!

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