During a clandestine corporate toy company crossover known simply as the Retro Wars, Team Adventure is inadvertently shrunken to the size of toys by a ruthless terrorist organization. Embarking upon their most challenging expedition yet, the Commander of Team Adventure’s space program leads with his defining traits of competence and level headed experience, which is only balanced by his headstrong determination and charismatic likeability. • 5 3/4″ x 1″ x 6 3/4″
SHIPPING INFORMATION: All gallery items will be shipped within 10 business days of the exhibition’s conclusion. One-off Pieces will remain on display for the duration of the exhibit. Shipping charges for gallery exhibition pieces will be invoiced separately. Shipping invoices will be sent within approximately 10 business days of the exhibit’s end, or — in the case of already completed exhibits — within 4 business days of the order being placed, unless shipping is calculated at the time of check out. Domestic orders will receive a PayPal request for shipping, international orders will be emailed.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic, shipping may take longer than usual.