SPACE BERSERKERS WORKED INTO A LATHER!! The first ever issue of the Shampuvians by Tokay Toys. Limited to 9 Sets of three-figures. Produced in rubber & resin, each figure is approx 3.5″ tall and come header-bagged! The third figure in the set, the mysterious Shempuvian, is blind-bagged for an extra surprise! Two colors available – Will be shipped blind, unless a special request is made.
Please note: All gallery items will be shipped within 10 business days of the exhibition’s conclusion. One-off Pieces will remain on display for the duration of the exhibit. Shipping charges for gallery exhibition pieces will be invoiced separately. Shipping invoices will be sent within approximately 10 business days of the exhibit’s end, or — in the case of already completed exhibits — within 72 hours (during business hours) of the order being placed, unless shipping is calculated at time of check out. Domestic orders will receive a PayPal request for shipping, international orders will be emailed.
Shampuvians (First Issue)
SPACE BERSERKERS WORKED INTO A LATHER!! The first ever issue of the Shampuvians by Tokay Toys. Limited to 9 Sets of three-figures. Produced in rubber & resin, each figure is approx 3.5″ tall and come header-bagged! The third figure in the set, the mysterious Shempuvian, is blind-bagged for an extra surprise! Two colors available – Will be shipped blind, unless a special request is made.
Please note: All gallery items will be shipped within 10 business days of the exhibition’s conclusion. One-off Pieces will remain on display for the duration of the exhibit. Shipping charges for gallery exhibition pieces will be invoiced separately. Shipping invoices will be sent within approximately 10 business days of the exhibit’s end, or — in the case of already completed exhibits — within 72 hours (during business hours) of the order being placed, unless shipping is calculated at time of check out. Domestic orders will receive a PayPal request for shipping, international orders will be emailed.
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